Herbs, Healing and Natural Living

My journey learning about herbal/alternative healing and natural living.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Thus Far

I just wanted to get a little blog started for my herb and natural healing learning. My road to herbal healing started in high school when my mom started us on some herbs for continuous sinus problems. I remember the main one being ALJ from Nature's Sunshine. I also got some licorice root (from Nature's Sunshine also) for my blood sugar problems. They both helped tremendously. But that was about it at the time... but it got me started thinking.

Fast forward quite a few years to 1997 when I began another path - the vegan path complete with natural healing. I took a plunge (which is usually never good when it comes to lifestyle changing) and of course jumped right back out. Then I started wading in gradually until I am where I am now. I still have a long way to go but I like where I am, too.

Over the past 7 years I've used colloidal silver to fight off impetigo in a matter of 24 hours and rhinovirus in a matter of a couple of days as opposed to the *minimum* week most kids have these things. I've used valerian to help calm a sick child when they are achy, chamomile for teething, Hyland's Homeopathic teething tablets for teething, lavendar to encourage relaxation at bedtime, valerian to help my dad through a panic attack that was a side effect of the anasthesia he had in surgery, various herbs high in iron for my anemia during pregnancy, oatstraw and st. john's wort to wean off of prozac, eucalyptus to help little congested ones breath easier, peppermint for clogged sinuses, homeopathics for sweat bee stings and sinus headaches, garlic/willow/mullien oil to ward off ear infections, homeopathics to ward off ear pain when there was no infection present, echinacea to boost immune systems, a homeopathic anti-itch gel for the chicken pox, oatmeal bathes for the itchy chicken pox, garlic for a friend's yeast infection plus the anti-itch gel, valerian for a friend with sleeping problems and jumpy legs at night AND I've made my own cough syrup.

Oh there's plenty more than the above but those are just the ones I remember right off the top of my head. It seems like a lot but believe me I've just begun to scratch the surface.


At Wednesday, November 10, 2021 12:55:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My battle with Emphysema started over 9 years ago which I finally got rid of with the help of Dr Itua herbal center treatment..I had the disease for over 9 + years..I'm in a good health now because Dr Itua herbal cure formula improve my condition drastically..the last time I went to the emergency PFT which is this year January I was told that my lung and breathing are working perfectly which was the help of this herbal medication..I don't have breathing problems anymore(Shortness of breath)..the Dr Itua herbal cure build up my lungs gradually after completing their prescription ,am able to cough it up no problem....I also met a lung specialist who told me that my lung is working perfectly so we don’t have to give it up because today i am here telling the world about my final victory with emphysema with the help of Dr Itua herbal cure and the help of their Natural herbal products and roots to cure and heal me completely from emphysema disease within the range of 5 weeks that I used the herbal medication. And if you have this kind of illness , there is no need to waste money on Corticosteroids or Zephyr Valve, or allowing doctors to waste their time on you instead why don’t you go get herbal products from Dr Itua Herbal Center use it and see for yourself And they also cures fibromyalgia,epilepsy,diabetes,cancer,pain killer,parkinson's,alzheimer’s disease,hiv/aids,herpes virus,hepatitis,pregnancy,and other diseases, contact him on drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com and www.drituaherbalcenter.com it very important you recommend this formula to anyone at there suffering from this illness people don’t know they exist .


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