Herbs, Healing and Natural Living

My journey learning about herbal/alternative healing and natural living.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Chicken Pox

Morgan Haley has broken out in chicken pox. I'm making a list right now of things I need to get for her and then heading out to the store. Here's my list and what it's for:

Homeopathic Anti-Itch Gel (self explanatory)
Catnip, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Valerian root (to reduce irritability and discomfort - I have catnip and I'm out of the other three)
Echinacea root, burdock root, calnedula blossoms, cleavers, spreamint leaves (all for rash relief formula to be taken by mouth to help with the itchies and infection from the inside out)
Slippery elm powder (for oozy sores that won't crust - if we don't need it I can definitely use it other places!)
Oatmeal (almost out and she'll need it in baths for the itchies)

I'll need to buy some raw honey as well since I need to get this cough syrup finished!


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