Herbs, Healing and Natural Living

My journey learning about herbal/alternative healing and natural living.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Ears & Chicken pox

Morgan Haley is doing really well with her chicken pox. Of course she itches quite a bit in her diaper area and on her scalp. I'm keeping her diaper off as much as possible and there's just not much to be done for her scalp. I'm also keeping the anti-itch gel on her, especially throughout the night when she wakes me from rubbing her itchies. The oatmeal baths are a bit different for her. She will not sit down in them. So I take the sock of oatmeal and squeeze it over her - over and over and over and over again. She even lets me squeeze it in her hair which I notices helps her not to itch there for quite a little while. After a little bit she'll try to sit but by the end of the bath she won't even stay in the water for more than 30 seconds. Poor little darling! Morgan Haley won't drink the tea I made her at all (to help with the inflammation, infection and itching). She won't even put it to her lips. All she really wants is some water, a touch of chocolate soy milk and a sip of coke every now and then (1 tsp a day basically). I have noticed that she is nearly completely scabbed over. In fact I started noticing scabs on her by Sunday night. That's quick!
This morning I noticed an infected scabbed blister on her left ring finger. So I called the advice nurse to see what is recommended for it and what to look for. Her instructions were to soak it in warm water, clean with dish soap, and put neosporin on it with a band-aid - then watch for streaking down the finger and hand and a fever. So I washed it in warm water with castille soap and put colloidal silver on a band-aid.
Tonight I noticed a red streak down her finger and thought the worst! She was covered in sticky and there was no way I was running off to after hours care with her all sticky, so I ran a couple inches of water and had to wrestle her in there. Once she got laid down in the water though, she liked it and let me wash her off quickly. When I got her out I was carefully drying the infected area when I noticed there was no red streak anymore! Then I looked at her face and noticed she was slobbering out red streaks from a candy she had in her mouth!!! So it was just candy slobber I saw - Whew!

On to other children - Madison didn't sleep well last night and was complaining of her ear hurting again. It was free and clear when I sent her back to school yesterday but apparently I should have had her wearing cotton in her ear to protect it. It's flamed up quite quickly. I upped the dosages of oil in her ears and was able to get a warm washcloth over it. I also added ear massage. This morning I tried to get her up and ready for school but she was majorly dragging and just seemed off so I told her to go back to bed and contacted her teacher to let her know. Later I noticed Madison felt a little warm, but nothing big. Not until close to bed time did her fever really take hold and her ear really start hurting her. Paul was holding her and she fell asleep in his arms restlessly. Then she stopped and seemed to really rest. I took her temp and it was only 100.4*F. Later Paul noticed something in her ear and I got a syringe to suction it out. It appeared to be the oil I had put in her ears earlier and a ball of wax. I suctioned a little more and all I got was some oil. (Right after this is when I saw the 'red streak' on Morgan Haley's finger! So I thought I was going to need to take two sick little girls to the doc's. It was a wee stressful.)

She woke up later and came to bed with me where she said her ear felt almost all better but she can't hear out of it and she has a bit of tinnitis. I wanted to take her to the urgent care but Paul was the voice that said wait this time. So I will research it tomorrow and keep a close eye on her tonight. Nothing is draining out of her ear. I massaged her ear a lot. When I would stop from my hand hurting or from exhaustion, she would ask me to keep doing it. I'd tell her I had to rest but less than a minute would pass and she'd be asking me to start again. I'd say we did this for well over an hour. When she finally fell into a peaceful sleep I was able to stop and go to sleep myself.


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