Herbs, Healing and Natural Living

My journey learning about herbal/alternative healing and natural living.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Think I'll start with the child I haven't talked about yet - Bailey! There's really nothing to tell, I just wanted to mention that I filled out his forms for tubes surgery today. Oh and I'm putting Garlic/Mullien Oil in his ears. If I had straight mullien I'd use it but garlic won't hurt since it will kill any bacteria, virus or fungus in there. I hope that the mullien gets his tubes to open up and drain that fluid so that he doesn't need tubes. If it doesn't then I'll accept his tubes willingly. I'll know I've done all in my knowledge to do.

Morgan Haley is almost totally scabbed over and her diaper area is soooo much better. She's sleeping thru the night again which is so wonderful. I'm so happy that she isn't itching! She's also starting to eat and drink again :)

Madison's ear continues to improve. She was running a low fever earlier in the morning but it is now gone. She is still having a bit of trouble hearing but from the information I've gathered off of the medical sites, this is indicative of a ruptured ear drum and is normal. I just need to keep her ear protected when we go outside and not let water or anything get in her ear. I think we can managed that! Paul sees no reason to take her in to the doctor so we are just going to wait until her audiology appointment next Wednesday to see what they say. Her ear was hurting a little this morning so I started her on some oral homeopathics I found. This has helped tremendously and I really wish I had found this earlier! Throughout the day, she just got better and better and better. I'm going to keep her on these for the perscribed week if recommends to ensure things go as well as they can. Of course if the rupture is very large she may require surgery to repair it. But that's not something they would know right off and not something I would let them jump to conclusions to in the first days after it happened either. I believe the combination of ear massage and oral homeopathics is what has helped her tremendously today! We are going to keep her out of school tomorrow as well and we'll be leaving for our mini-vacation on Friday morning. We aren't sure what day we'll go back so she will either go back to school on Monday or Tuesday. I can't wait to get back into a normal routine of things!


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