Herbs, Healing and Natural Living

My journey learning about herbal/alternative healing and natural living.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ear Infection

Bailey woke up screaming this morning around 6:30. His left ear was hurting him so badly. He was hurting so badly that I actually made a doctor's appointment to see what was wrong. They had an opening at 11:15. I got there at 9:45 because Bailey kept telling me he wanted to go to the doctor cause he couldn't "handle it anymore!" Talk about breaking one's momma heart!! I checked in assuming I would be there for at least an hour ... apparently, checking in that early is grounds to get you in almost immediately.

I couldn't find my homeopathics at first and wound up giving him some children's ibuprofen at 7:30 because he was so miserable. It did absolutely nothing for that baby. An hour later the homeopathics was found and we started that regimen. He was able to fall asleep when using that. Poor little guy was half asleep while he was being examined but he tolerated it very well because he wanted to be there.

He still has a tube in his right ear and it looked just fine. The left eardrum was very red and swollen and she couldn't tell if it still had the tube in or not. She perscribed antibiotic drops and oral antibiotics. I was like, "Um, is there some way you can tell if it is viral or bacterial just by looking?" She just looked at me as if I were speaking a foreign language and started telling me the instructions for the medications. What really got me about this was she asked all the ?'s that if you answer yes to means that it is a possibility it's bacterial instead of viral and I answered NO to all of them ... ummmm, doesn't this lead one to believe that it is even more than likely viral? UGH!! If I had $25 I'd go back for a follow-up just to be able to say, see you dumba$$ it was obviously viral - learn something!!! Anyway.....

Per the past difficulties we've had with authorities, I filled the perscription ... yes a HUGE waste of money but at the same time, once you've lived through what I lived through you will do anything to help prevent it from happening again.

So what did I do? I continued to give Bailey the homeopathics for ear pain and took him to see our chiropractor. I spoke to our holistic chiropractor about it and he was so upset over the doctor automatically prescribing antibiotics ... especially after I'm reading their material up on the walls that say 9 out of 10 ear infections cannot be helped by antibiotics because they are viral infections!!!

After Bailey's ajustment, he hasn't complained once about pain and I never had to give him the homeopathic pain meds again. He's been his normal self.

As a side note: He told me that a few weeks ago (sometime after C&T got here) that a green round thing fell out of his ear. He described it pretty well and it was definitely the tube that came out.